E-commerce SEO is continuous. With technology advancements, evolving algorithms, business variances and ever-changing customer trends, all e-commerce platforms need perpetual optimisation. There are many ways to improve e-Commerce SEO simply and effectively to improve the overall user experience and e-commerce results.
The e-commerce SEO methods we list below are fundamental techniques that often get undervalued or poorly implemented, detrimental to e-commerce outcomes. Others are not always needed or utilised, yet they should be regularly considered and used when required.
Seven ways to improve e-commerce SEO
1. Customer Product Reviews
Customer product reviews are well-respected and valued by customers and search engine algorithms.
Online users see online product reviews as word-of-mouth recommendations and often take them as gospel, meaning a great way to improve e-commerce SEO. In addition, emphasising these reviews add to your website richness for search engines like Google to take notice, diverting more traffic your way.
2. Engaging Meta Descriptions
What is a meta-description? It’s the little bio that you read below the web page title in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
Search engines are not too bothered with the meta-descriptions; however, your audience is. As you have only a moment to attract a potential customers attention having a meta-description that is engaging and informative is crucial to get their click and improve e-commerce SEO
3. Unique Product Descriptions
Uniqueness is known as an asset when trying to attract Google, the mother of all search engines.
Google algorithms are so advanced that they are beginning to promote high-quality and unique content. With millions of generic content clogging up the internet, creating unique product descriptions will catch the attention of Google and improve PageRank.
4. One Quality Domain
It’s far more beneficial to have one domain, one quality domain, rather than duplicated domains with unappealing content.
When a website domain becomes duplicated, you create more competition rather than improving your visibility chances. Furthermore, you may also lower your odds of a healthy PageRank with new algorithms splitting relevance across websites with multiple domains.
5. The Need for Speed
Yes you want your website to have all the bells and whistles to attract the audience you need; however, time is money.
Not only will slow web pages scare away your customers, but they will also deter search engines. Algorithms expect a website to load in a certain time frame, and a poorly optimised web page is too slow, it will not be valued.
6. Remove Outdated Content
No one likes an untidy cafe or shop, so why would you leave your website untidy?
It is vital to remove all outdated content to keep your website current and avoid any content to slow down the experience. Removing discontinued stock asap, taking away old advertisements and offers, keeping your staff bios up to date are all basic housekeeping that helps e-commerce SEO.
7. It Pays To Be Local
Everyone loves the locals. Everyone wants to support the locals. Be proud to be local.
Sure it is important to have a digital platform to spread far and wide, but don’t lose focus on your local community. Whether you have a physical shop or provide a community service, branding yourself with all the local ingredients will help e-commerce SEO. It also boosts your SERPs ranking when a user looks for help.